Population density refers to the concentration of individuals residing in a particular area or region relative to the land area. In the context of pipeline projects, the inclusion of a Population Density Index holds significant importance and serves as a fundamental component. This index enables the classification of geographic areas along the pipeline route based on the density of human habitation and other pertinent characteristics. These classifications play a vital role in determining design factors for pipeline construction, operating pressures, testing methods, and the application of specific operational and maintenance requirements.
Our company has extensive experience in the pipeline industry and recognizes the importance of considering population density as a crucial factor in project decision-making and risk management. The details of the existing dwelling units/public places where human gathering is observed are collected through on ground survey with GPS and the data is then processed as per the code ASME B31.8 - Gas Transmission & Distribution Piping Systems and code ASNZS 2885.6 - Gas and liquid petroleum Pipeline safety management.